“How to plan cutting steroids cycles to reach your goal?” on SteroidsCycles.net
Many people just look for a “perfect steroid cycle” which will help them loose weight while not paying attention to other important factors.
Steroid cycle is just a part of the fat loss program and not its only factor or only solution as many think it is.
If for example you want to get cut and shreded for next summer it is good to have a plan starting with now and not trying to do in last minute.
Best way is to start planning and writing your plan down now.
First things is to check where you are now and where you want to come.
For example now your weight now is 264 pounds and you want to get it down to 219 pounds. That is first thing to write down.
Next thing is nutrition. We all know what we eat and what is good and what is not so good, however if you have time to write and feel it is needed write down for next 30 days what you eat during the day and then analyze that list and remove what is bad and keep what is good. Eliminate carbs after 6 PM, stop sugar and salt!
Third thing is cardio and working out. Let’s say you have 10-12 months before summer comes again.
It is good to keep shocking muscles and best way is via adding/changing exercises at least each 2 months. You can have 1 month full of super-sets and then next one keep it simpler then again super-sets. Third month can be full of tri-sets. That shocks muscles and when you shock them they respond. Super-set and tri-sets are good for fat burn.
Ok, now we can talk about fat loss steroids cycles. After the before mentioned things have been done.
There are many options for cutting steroids cycles but we will mention just a few.
First rule is to take breaks between steroid cycles. Next thing is cutting steroid cycles must be made of steroids with quick acting esters which wont retain much water.
Over a 12 months period 2-3 cycles done wise stacked with right nutrition and workouts will do the job, sometimes 2 cycles is more then enough.
Cutting Steroid Cycle #1
This is simplest option (not in terms of effect but in terms of usage). Cut Mix 150 by Dragon Pharma or Cutaxyl (can be other trade names) is a combo of 3 cutting agents in one which makes it easier to use. If before now you had to buy 3 different vials now you just have all in one.
Since there can be different manufacturers we will take here trade names of most popular Kalpa Pharmaceuticals and its Cutaxyl 150.
Cutaxyl 150 – contains 3 active substances: Drostanolone Propionate; Testosterone Propionate and Trenbolone Acetate. This product is used by those who want to achieve that hard and ripped look.
You can visit Kalpa official website.
Cutaxyl 150 is used in most cases at 1ml/EOD for 6, 8 or 10 weeks. After which PCT is followed. To read more about PCT.
Cutting Steroid Cycle #2
After first one take 3 months break.
Second cycle can be planned in such a way so it finishes right before the time you need results.
It can be longer in case you use well-known primobolan.
For example this one:
1-15 | Primobolan Depot | 600mg/week |
1-15 | Testosterone Propionate | 400-450mg/week |
1-6 or last 6 weeks of the cycle | Anavar | 60mg/day |
17-19 | PCT with Clomid | Day 1 – Clomid 150mg/day Day 2 – Clomid 100mg/day Following 10 days – Clomid 50mg/day Following 10 days – Clomid 50mg/day *if needed continue with 10 days more |
After longer cycles take longer breaks.
Some may want to add for last weeks Clen or winstrol tabs.
We do not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor’s prescription. The information we share is for entertainment purposes only.
Keep in mind that steroids are not magic and in order to get results user must train correct and hard, eat clean and keep right balance of carbs, protein and fats.
Once per year bloodwork must be done in order to see what is going on inside your body and to keep an eye on health status.
The guys who stay all year round on gear with no breaks are not wise.