Tri-Tren Steroid cycle and Testosterone Propionate Tri-Tren is a mix of three trenbolone esters: trenbolone acetate, trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, and trenbolone enanthate. Each ester has different release times thus trenbolone levels in blood are kept at stable level. Testosterone Propionate is used for cutting cycles and it will not keep water in the body. Strength and…
Category: Injectable Steroids Cycles
A few examples of Dianabol cycles. Odin Pharmaceuticals Dianabol CYCLE #1 Dbol + Testosterone Weeks 1-4 Dbol 30-40mgs ED Weeks 1-12 Test Enanthate/Cypionate 500mgs (250mgs 2x/Week) Start Clomid and Nolvadex 2 weeks after last testosterone injection. CLOMID THERAPY:Day 1 – 300mgDays 2-7 100mg dailyDays 8-14 50mg daily *Odin Pharmaceuticals Dianabol 25mg, Odin Testosterone E…

Testosterone Enanthate Cycle
I guess you have heard or read somewhere about first injectable steroid cycle or simple testosterone cycle and that is how you came here. Well, this article will help you understand how is testosterone cycle best done and how to benefit at maximum of it. Firstly let me tell you that that Testosterone Enanthate Cycle is…

Best Steroid Cycle
Hey guys, how is everyone? It’s been a long time since I did not write here but I am back now so we have a lot of things to talk about 🙂 Let’s talk about best steroid cycle. Imagine that someone comes to you and ask: “what is best steroid cycle?” What will you answer…

Oral Cycle of Steroids
Cycle of steroids | Deca Cycles | Human Growth Hormone Cycle | Steroids Cycles Among bodybuilders and many newbies who just came to the gym is often discussed idea of doing a cycle of steroids. Sometimes it is inspired by others sometimes you just think you reached your natural growth potential and just want to…
Deca Durabolin Cycle
Deca Durabolin Cycle | Deca Durabolin Steroid | Deca Durabolin Dosage Deca Durabolin Cycle is what we will talk about today. Deca Durabolin was and still is very popular injectable steroid. Most people preffered deca because it is possible to stack it with almost any other steroid and get desired effect. I’ve heard a lot…

Dbol, Test and Deca Cycle Dosage
12 weeks of Test and Deca Cycle with Dbol. Hi guys, today we continue subject of steroids cycles for mass and steroids cycles for beginners. I will not describe each product detailed as you can read about any of them on my previous posts. Testosterone is king of mass building so it will be present…
Lean Gains Cycle
EQ and Winnie will lean you out and help you gets those cuts for the summer…if you wanna bulk a little throw in a low dose of test to keep things functional….. wks 1 – 10 test.e @ 250mg ( 1 shot a week)wks 1 – 10 eq @ 400mg ( 2 shots a week…

Testosterone Propionate Cycle and Tren Acecetate
Here is a basic steroid cycle but with a couple of advanced compounds , you could use this cycle to build lean gains or to help along side a cutting routine with a good diet. The injections are done every other day with weekends off , so monday , wednesday and friday. Test Prop 1ml/100mg…