Probably ectomorphs are those who put this question more often as they are those who look weaker if we can say so. They train hard eat a lot but the weights are showing just litlle progress. That is when your motivation is down and you are ready to try everything just to bulk up quick….
When is best time to take steroids?
This is the question each bodybuilder have to answer. However the answer is simple in the same time there are many factors which should be taken into account. 1. First thing is your age. If you do not have at least 22 years do not even think about steroids. 2. Second thing is your experience….
Updates from IFBB pros.
Not each IFBB Pro has a personal blog which is sad for many fans. It is very interesting to track what they are doing, what is their training like at this very moment and to know their goals and advices for newbies. However there are pros which keep in touch with their fans through their…