OK, so this is very advanced cutting cycle for individuals with experience and who know how each product woks since they had prior experience with each of these compounds. This is a Testosterone Enanthate, Trenbolone Enanthate,EQ, HGH mix. ================== Keep in mind that steroids are not magic and in order to get results user must…
Tag: cutting
Advanced Cutting Cycle #1
This Advanced Steroid Cutting Cycle can be used only by experienced and healthy users. ================== Keep in mind that steroids are not magic and in order to get results user must train correct and hard, eat clean and keep right balance of carbs, protein and fats. Once per year bloodwork must be done in…
New line of products from Geneza Pharmaceuticals
We would like to remind everyone that Geneza Pharmaceuticals will soon be launching a new line of exciting products, some of which are rare and haven’t been on the scene in a while. The products coming out are: GP Andromix (Testosterone propionate 50mg, Trenbolone acetate 50mg, Drostanolone propionate 50mg) GP M.D. (Methandriol dipropionate 75 mg/ml)…
Lean Gains Cycle
EQ and Winnie will lean you out and help you gets those cuts for the summer…if you wanna bulk a little throw in a low dose of test to keep things functional….. wks 1 – 10 test.e @ 250mg ( 1 shot a week)wks 1 – 10 eq @ 400mg ( 2 shots a week…

Testosterone Propionate Cycle and Tren Acecetate
Here is a basic steroid cycle but with a couple of advanced compounds , you could use this cycle to build lean gains or to help along side a cutting routine with a good diet. The injections are done every other day with weekends off , so monday , wednesday and friday. Test Prop 1ml/100mg…
Understanding Cycle Planning
There is no doubt that steroids are most effective when they are administered in a sensible and logical manner. This requires that the athlete observe certain rules. A basic requirement is that the steroid intake be divided into cycles. By a steroid cycle most mean a 10- 12 week application of a single compound or…