This Steroid Cycle is for Strength with Dragon Pharma Oral Tren & Testosterone Propionate This steroid cycle is for strength and it is made of Dragon Pharma Oral Tren Tab & Testosterone Propionate Injections. Before starting next cycle make sure to stay off at least 3 months after previous one.Oral Tren is very good for…
Tag: Methyltrienolone

Oral Tren Steroid Cycle
Regarding Oral Tren that is very powerful thing! Oral Tren is the most powerful and most toxic of all AAS. It is used for 4 weeks ( NOT LONGER!) at 250-500mcg/ed for 4 weeks max. Split-dosage during the day. Liver Support before and after cycle is a must. Do not go over 500mcg! RELATED LINKS:…