Deca and Test Cycle is classic mass builder cycle that most of us heard about. First thing that comes to my mind when thinking of classic mass builder is Deca Durabolin(nandrolone decanoate) and Testosterone Cycle, some will say add Dbol there as well and they will be right as that creates full image of classic…
Tag: steroids cycles
The 3 Most Popular Steroid Cycles
The 3 Most Popular Steroid Cycles on Steroids Cycles Blog 1. Testosterone and Dianabol (Test & Dbol) If you never heard of this stack it means you did not read enough 🙂 This one and next one are very popular steroid cycles especially among beginners. Beware! There are sites which either sell fake products or…
33 Steroids Cycles Ebook
Have you ever been in a situation when you need a steroid cycle and you want to get it asap, you want to have it ready, you want to have it all put into a table with clear understanding what and when to use, you want to be able to print it? Well, once we…

Oral Cycle of Steroids
Cycle of steroids | Deca Cycles | Human Growth Hormone Cycle | Steroids Cycles Among bodybuilders and many newbies who just came to the gym is often discussed idea of doing a cycle of steroids. Sometimes it is inspired by others sometimes you just think you reached your natural growth potential and just want to…
Lean Gains Cycle
EQ and Winnie will lean you out and help you gets those cuts for the summer…if you wanna bulk a little throw in a low dose of test to keep things functional….. wks 1 – 10 test.e @ 250mg ( 1 shot a week)wks 1 – 10 eq @ 400mg ( 2 shots a week…

Testosterone Propionate Cycle and Tren Acecetate
Here is a basic steroid cycle but with a couple of advanced compounds , you could use this cycle to build lean gains or to help along side a cutting routine with a good diet. The injections are done every other day with weekends off , so monday , wednesday and friday. Test Prop 1ml/100mg…
Understanding Cycle Planning
There is no doubt that steroids are most effective when they are administered in a sensible and logical manner. This requires that the athlete observe certain rules. A basic requirement is that the steroid intake be divided into cycles. By a steroid cycle most mean a 10- 12 week application of a single compound or…
Dianabol,Testosterone Deca Duraboline Steroid Cycle
Dianabol,Testosterone Deca Duraboline Steroid Cycle For today we have a classic mass builder for beginners and intermediate users. This cycle will give you about 10-15 kgs if you will train hard and eat enough protein, vitamins and amino-acids. Also do not forget about good rest. Weeks 1-4 Dbol (methandienone) 30-40mgs ED Weeks 1-12 Test Enanthate/Cypionate…
Geneza Pharmaceuticals Review.
Welcome , Right i thought id post up a review of Geneza Pharmaceuticals , i previously tried the UG Brand so i thought id share my findings and results with you all! First off this is the cycle i did .. GP Test Enanth 250 @ 500mg each week (12weeks 2 x injections /…